Curbed From the 2023 Christmas Message Delivered by Rev Fr. Peter Egbe
We are dealing with a mystery and intimacy. A mystery because, God is hidden. Intimacy because of Incarnation. The question is: what makes the Divine human and what makes the human Divine? Loyalty! The loyalty of God to His purpose that brings humanity to divinity. The loyalty of humans to the divine that will bring God to the human world in final consummation. This is what we call loyalty! By this reality, that is, the Incarnation, the divine dance becomes an entanglement between heaven and Earth (cf, John 1). In trying to understand the mind of the early Church Fathers, Richard Rohr, explicates the Trinity and pinned it to a dance which is the reality itself rather than a particular activity. God is the dance, God is the initiator of the dance and God calls on all He has made to the dance. Come then, wherever you may be to the dance. While not undermining the importance of the act of Incarnation in reference to being born, our message prefers to pay attention to the act of commitment that made the difference in the case of the Lord’s generation. The fullness of the message of Incarnation is realized in the events of Calvary. He was obedient even unto death. For that reason, God raised Him from the dead and gave Him a name which is above other names and in the presence of whom every knee must bow and every tongue confesses that He is Lord (cf. Philippians 2).
Hence, we are called upon to open our minds and hearts to first of all welcome the Lord of life, honor Him with our loyalty and in His name, and do exactly what He did for us, for others. Make sacrifice this season and always for the hope of a better world. Merry Christmas to all!