What is FOSAGS

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Friends of St. Albert the Great Seminary (FOSAGS)

FOSAGS is an acronym for Friends of St. Albert the Great Seminary. It is an Association of individuals who are willing to collaborate and support the Seminary in her spiritual and physical growth and developmental needs

Who Can Be a Member?

The benefits of being a member include the following:

  • Regular prayers by the Seminary Community for our friends, benefactors, their families and endeavours.
  • Masses and special prayers for our friends and benefactors on their special days like birthdays and anniversaries.
  • The grace of proclaiming the gospel with the resources God has made available to them.
  • Dedicated weekly Masses for the intentions of members.
  • A means of immortalizing the memories of loved ones.

What Are the Commitments of FOSAGS members?

Members are expected to contribute something monthly, quarterly or annually to the Seminary. Contribution can come in form of time, talent and treasure and there is no limit to what can be contributed including bequeathals in cash or kind.

Wish to be a member of FOSAGS?