Reported by: Oshunsanya Paul

The Seminary had her inaugural Mass for the 2019/2020 Academic Session on Wednesday 9th October, 2019, with His Lordship, Most Rev Peter Odetoyinbo, the Catholic Bishop of Abeokuta presiding. At the homily, the bishop emphasized the need for Seminarians to learn the language of God because it is the basis for seminary formation. This language, he continued, is to be learnt to please God and go to heaven. Learning this language demands sacrifice. Hence, he encouraged seminarians to dispose themselves to formation through the evangelical counsels in a spirit of self-sacrifice. He appreciated the formators for their immense sacrifice in forming persons to take on the ministerial Priesthood.

After the Holy Mass, there was an academic lecture delivered by the Dean of Studies of the Seminary, Very Rev. Fr. John Nwanze titled, '' Knowledge of God, the Basis of Right Living'' (Hosea 4:1-6). He posited that knowledge of God entails an intimate relationship and understanding of God. This knowledge is emotive, cognitive and practical to our lives as Christians, Priests and Seminarians.

‘'Knowledge about God can bring about knowledge of God'', he said. Knowledge about God is like steps to be taken before having the knowledge of God. He therefore encouraged everyone gathered to strive for knowledge of God as a means to live a good life; for to know is to do, he concluded. The celebration was a joyful one since it began a new chapter in the annals of formation for Seminary.